Get out your wallet
If youre the type to spend some occasional funds of your own for that extra push toward an achievement or some other end, dont get this game. After the initial few drippings of cash you are given to get things going, it takes days to bring visitors in. Heres why. The number of visitors who come to your zoo is connected to the number of different animals you are displaying. But those animals are expensive. You start off with rabbits ($100, not expensive yet), and sheep ($500, still not expensive). But if you want a turtle for $8,000, prepare to either buy diamonds and exchange them for zoo cash at a rate of $300 per gem which is nothing short of a scam considering how much animals cost to buy, or wait until your zoo raises the cash, but without the animals to attract the visitors, the zoo makes cash at a rate so slow, you will wait over a week to buy it. Until then, you and your zoo are at a complete stand still. There is no way to earn diamonds through Tapjoy. There is no way to earn cash watching ads. Just sit and wait for cash to trickle in at a rate so slow, you might as well go to work and hope that, upon your return, those two rabbits that you are displaying bred and produced a lion, which would be sort of gross...... And as a final note, I have spent real money on games before, but I did this as a way to move things along and supplement the funds that I was earning using avenues that the game I spent real money on was kind enough to supply. This game practically expects you to fund the entire project yourself or grow very, VERY old before seeing any sort of amusement from the game. So I refuse to spend a dime if not met half way.
Alan Posssumballs about
Zoo Mobile